Thursday, September 6, 2012

blog post 1

Title: I chose this title because I feel like any opinions that are written through my blog are in fact my own internal words of wisdom. I guess that sounds lame but its my own personal opinions and my personal responses to the questions that will be at hand.

Font: For the font of my entire blog I chose a very simple font, ‘Droid Sans’ because I didn’t want the font itself to be distracting from the actual message that is written. I didn’t want the font to take away from the meaning. I wanted everything to look uniformed and organized because that’s the type of person I am. I chose a fancier font for the title, ‘Corsiva’ because it has a stronger purpose. I wanted it to catch the attention of whoever views the blog and make is look like it is important.

Pages: I chose to include pages in my blog because I simply liked how it appeared better. I also believe it creates a more organized and formal look to the blog. Everything isn’t written all over the place, its nicely organized into separate, easy to access pages. I included a detailed about me page so that people could get a better feel for the outgoing person I am that you wouldn’t get from the simple template. I specifically chose to include really random facts about myself because I’m a random person and still don’t know exactly who I am. I believe people are constantly changing and developing into a stronger and more mature person. So, I decided to include only a few things that I’m sure about and so that people got a good glimpse of the type of easygoing, open person I am!

Template: The template I chose was meant to be simple but attractive. The template helped me create colors that all flowed with each other so it was appealing to the eye. I’m very controlling when it comes to creating projects, so I like everything to be easily located. I didn’t want it to be too crazy because I wanted to avoid it being too overwhelming.

Layout: I picked this very structured layout because I’m a very organized person. It made the posts center of attention and the things that weren’t as important are on the side. I wanted it to be easy to navigate and be organized. All of my pages are easily accessible at the top of my blog and are simple to find.

Colors: Usually I would pick anything blue. Blue is my absolute favorite color, which is why I wanted to stray away from it. I was trying to mix it up and do something I usually wouldn’t pick. I wanted all the colors to flow and tie in with the peaceful background of my blog. I think it’s very easy to look at and just creates a calming feeling.  It isn’t some extravagant lime-based color that is blinding because I didn’t want anything too loud. I wanted a subtle, but pretty and memorable blog.

I love how my blog turned out. I liked the simplicity yet the elegance of it. I feel like its very approachable and appealing. I believe the organized structure and yet open personal about me section reflects my personality very well. I’m very structural yet outgoing and easy to talk to. Once I figured out how to do it (which took a very long time) it was easy to build my blog. I knew exactly what I had in mind. I wanted nothing to obnoxious or ridiculous and I wanted it all to flow and look nice together. I’m a control freak when it comes to the organization of my schoolwork. I wanted to add a little personal excitement in it which is why I included the about me section. From blogging, I expect to be able to express my personal opinions and thoughts and view other people’s thoughts as well.

1 comment:

  1. Marisa, I think your blog is lovely. I think you accomplished everything you wanted to with it. It's friendly, it's simple, but very pretty, and you wrote wonderful and interesting posts. I like the structure a lot because, just like you, I am a very organized person. I like things neat and easy to find. This blog is just that! The colors are fun and it was cool that you chose something different from what you normally would have. It sort of seems like it signifies your transition into a new chapter of your life with college, a time for trying new things and taking chances!
